Region X |
Welcome to the Region X Page where "The Legacy" continues!I am Shanika “Shan” Francis, and it is with great honor and humility that I serve as the Regional Director for Region X, which encompasses the states of Kentucky and Tennessee. Region X includes a range of nine medical school chapters and eight undergraduate chapters, including one of the founding chapters of SNMA: Meharry Medical College. Our region is small yet mighty, and my corresponding agenda for the administrative year, “The Legacy: Beyond and Above The Margin,” combines the progress of our previous Regional Director and envisions a robust level of regional goal accomplishments. This vision broadly aims to:
Our Regional Executive Committee (REC) Officers will be challenged to go beyond the margins of goal accomplishment and use their creative reach in higher capacities that can impact our members. Additionally, our REC will have the opportunity to engage members during our Regional Leadership Institute (RLI) and Regional Medical Education Conference (RMEC) events this fall. If you would like to know more about Region X opportunities and events, please do not hesitate to connect with any of our REC Officers. Additionally, for more information on how to support the Region, please contact our Region X Treasurer, Ashley Spooner, at Lastly, should you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions on collaborating with us, I can be readily reached at Please stay updated and follow us on our Instagram #snmaregionx! Yours in SNMA, Shanika “Shan” Francis, MHS Leadership TeamShan FrancisRegional Director
Deja MurrayAssociate Regional Director
Jessica SamuelRegional Secretary
Ashley SpoonerRegional Treasurer
Tajauna BatchelorRegional Parliamentarian
Jocelyn PackerRegional Webmaster
Karah RuttlenAcademic Affairs Liaison
Kimbrionna HunterCommunity Service Liaison
Amber SandersMAPS Liaison
Julianna CarterPolitical Action Liaison
Tamera EdlerResearch Liaison
Brittney BlairOsteopathic Liaison
VACANTPre-Medical Representative
Antionette EdlerPipeline Liaison
SNMA ChaptersStates Covered by Region Kentucky ChaptersUniversity of Kentucky COM University of Louisville School of Medicine University of Pikeville - KYCOM (UP - KYCOM) Tennessee ChaptersETSU-Quillen COM LMU-DCOM – Harrogate LMU-DCOM – Knoxville Meharry Medical College (MMC) UTHSC COM Vanderbilt SOM MAPs ChaptersStates Covered by Region Kentucky ChaptersUniversity of Kentucky Kentucky State University Bellarmine University University of Louisville Tennessee ChaptersMiddle Tennessee State University LeMoyne-Owen College Rhodes College University of Memphis ResourcesGeneral links and resources that have been determined to be useful to the SNMA Region. We hope you find these as useful as we do and please feel free to contact us if you have some resources to recommend. Please follow us on Instagram for the latest information on our Region X: @snmaregionx Region X Summer Research OpportunitiesRegion X FormsRegion X Social Media Request Form Region X SNMA Chapter President Experience Form About Our Region
SNMA is made up of 10 regions around the country. An elected Regional Director oversees each region. Regional Boards are mainly comprised of the following elected regional officers: Regional Director, Associate Regional Director,
Pre-Medical Liaison, Secretary, Treasurer, and Committee Chairs (corresponding to national committees). Each region hosts an annual Regional Conference at which a regional meeting is held. Each region has its own Constitution
and Bylaws, which must be held in accordance with and not in violation of the Constitution and Bylaws of National SNMA. Region X is comprised of chapters from District of Kentucky and Tennessee. |
1/9/2025 » 2/20/2025
SNMA General Elections
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RMEC - Region I - Medical Education Conference
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Region V Regional Medical Education Conference
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4/16/2025 » 4/20/2025
AMEC 2025: Additional Event Tickets
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